Import and summarize transcript-level estimates for both transcript-level and gene-level analysis.

Software dependencies

  • bioconductor-tximport==1.14.0
  • r-readr==1.3.1
  • r-jsonlite==1.6


This wrapper can be used in the following way:

rule tximport:
        quant = expand("quant/A/quant.sf")
        # Optional transcript/gene links as described in tximport
        # tx2gene = /path/to/tx2gene
        txi = "txi.RDS"
        extra = "type='salmon', txOut=TRUE"

Note that input, output and log file paths can be chosen freely. When running with

snakemake --use-conda

the software dependencies will be automatically deployed into an isolated environment before execution.


Add any tximport options in the params, they will be transmitted through the R wrapper. Supplementary options will cause unknown parameters error.


  • Thibault Dayris



# Loading library
base::library("tximport");   # Perform actual count importation in R
base::library("readr");      # Read faster!
base::library("jsonlite");   # Importing inferential replicates

# Cast input paths as character to avoid errors
samples_paths <- sapply(               # Sequentially apply
  snakemake@input[["quant"]],          # ... to all quantification paths
  function(quant) as.character(quant)  # ... a cast as character

# Collapse path into a character vector
samples_paths <- base::paste0(samples_paths, collapse = ', "');

# Building function arguments
extra <- base::paste0("files = c(\"", samples_paths, "\")");

# Check if user provided optional transcript to gene table
if ("tx_to_gene" %in% names(snakemake@input)) {
  extra <- base::paste(
    extra,                                         # Foreward existing arguments
    "tx2gene = ", snakemake@input[["tx_to_gene"]], # Add tx2gene to parameters
    sep = ", "                                     # Field separator

# Add user defined arguments
extra <- base::paste(
  extra,                       # Foreward existing parameters
  snakemake@params[["extra"]], # Add user parameters
  sep = ", "                   # Field separator

# Perform tximport work
txi <- base::eval(                        # Evaluate the following
  base::parse(                            # ... parsed expression
    text = base::paste0(
      "tximport::tximport(", extra, ");"  # ... of tximport and its arguments

# Save results
base::saveRDS(                       # Save R object
  object = txi,                      # The txi object
  file = snakemake@output[["txi"]]   # Output path is provided by Snakemake